The national project Culture Convergences is aimed at cultural institutions. It is supported by the Ikigai Game for Citizens consortium, bringing together universities, major schools, research laboratories and associations. The consortium's mission is to develop gamification on artistic and scientific bases in higher education and schools, and for cultural and scientific mediation. Its action is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Direction for Digital Education of the Ministry of Education and Youth, as well as the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
As part of the Convergences Culture project for the rapprochement of education and culture, Ikigai launches a major consultation with cultural stakeholders.
This involves supporting cultural stakeholders in edumediation and pooling services and innovative, customizable educational tools between cultural mediators and teachers; open to new audiences, particularly aimed at young people at school or in training.
Ikigai Games for Citizens
accompanied by

Cultural mediation recommended by teachers and open to new audiences
The gamification of collections and monuments in co-development with specialists in the disciplines concerned, drawing on research contributions, makes it possible to mobilize the digital specificities of mediation video game such as interactivity, immersion, modeling, multiplayer modes (solo, dual and team), customization, artificial intelligence, reticularity, virtual reality, etc. The quality of game design relies on the ability to develop worlds and imaginary settings that implement game mechanics designed to favor conditions of appropriation. Too often considered as a pretext for learning, the procedural rhetoric of educational video games consists, on the contrary, of the exploitation of gameplay as the keystone of the transmission of the educational message. The game mechanics must make sense with their object. In summary, the virtues of educational video games are expressed in three intrinsic educational properties, with, firstly, conditions favoring the appropriation of a subject (gameplay), secondly, the autonomy of the learner, in other words their freedom of choice, in particular on strategy and, thirdly , the dedramatization of errors, a powerful lever for commitment and appropriation.
A real mass media to fully invest.
We can consider that after written and audiovisual media, the mediation video game represents a new stage in the acquisition of knowledge by the potential for innovation and support that it represents. The gamification of knowledge and learning therefore constitutes a considerable challenge for the future of cultural mediation and teaching, but the true mass media that it constitutes remains a territory to be fully invested in. Indeed, 73% of French people play video games, at least occasionally and 53% of French people play regularly, according to the latest SELL 2022 study. That makes video games the leading culture industry and a unique gateway to reach a wide audience. A mediation game like Arausio offering a reconstruction of the Ancient Theater of Orange based on scientific data and an investigation built with archaeologists garnered 125,000 views on Steam a few months after it was put online, and this without any advertising campaign.
The mediation video game
serving the arts & sciences.
Culture everywhere and for everyone.

The new generation mediation video game comes with associated services: dashboards for managing cultural policies and training, level editors and content editors for the scalability of the games according to the new educational needs identified. A mediation video game must be a modular tool that maintains a long-term relationship with its audience and whose regular optimization process is enabled by the collection of usage data. Indeed, thanks to learning analytics, we are able to study the behavior of players in order to offer them a personalized user experience and, in particular, make advances in artificial intelligence allowing games to self-adapt. However, it is not a question of replacing the mediator or the teacher, but rather of providing them with effective support tools allowing them to fully exploit their added value with the public.
Twelve million pupils, three million students and their families are in need of games that are recommended by teachers for their educational quality and that make them want to visit our museums.
Bridging mechanisms are therefore set up, as part of the Convergences Culture project, between cultural mediation actors and teachers from the academic world to bring them together. Twelve million pupils, three million students and their families expect games recommended by teachers for the quality of their teaching approach. It is by facilitating access to culture for new generations that they will be encouraged to frequent our museums, our cultural centers and to perfect their civic engagement.
The national Convergences Culture project is also an opportunity to opening up to populations far from museums and reaching an international audience with multilingual versions.

Bring your games to life
and move your audiences
through innovative devices
for entertainment and events
in situ and ex situ
Mediation video games are accompanied by an edumediation strategy for activities in situ and ex situ, giving rise to new ways of interacting with the public.
Indeed, the mediation video game does not intend the player to remain alone behind the screen. On the contrary, it is the subject of numerous methods of animation, from group challenges based on collective dynamics for better appropriation of knowledge to cognitive remediation in a classroom by teachers.
Establish a virtuous dialogue between the game world and the visit route using the mobile or tablet application. By disseminating clues from the game (characters, QR codes, collections to photograph, etc.), your audience comes to the site to continue the investigation among the works.
Welcoming events where all generations will come to improve their knowledge together.
Depending on the gamified content, gamified mediation represents the opportunity to give free rein to the imagination to organize, on the principle of “gamified micro-folies”, welcoming events where all generations will come together to improve their knowledge while having fun together and create connections. Like other digital creations, video games lend themselves, in particular, to video projection on the facades of buildings for on-site or traveling events, with the additional quality of offering interactivity and a unique experience to its audience (each part is new because it integrates the action of the players). Multiplayer night sessions become possible in the form of gamified mappings thanks to our partnership with Photon, leader in multiplayer engineering.
Each tailor-made device can be enriched thanks to Ikigai's game catalog offering configurable games and game bricks (made up of developments from its catalog) to diversify the animation methods, while optimizing production costs.
We are here at the heart of innovation in cultural mediation, since we operate in pioneering territories in terms of content gamification and digital creation. Let us consider with you tailor-made devices to bring your cultural mediation video game to life.

Sharing research advances to drive your cultural policies
The Convergences Culture project relies on unique infrastructures thah integrate education standards for the exchange of data. The DPU servers developed by Ikigai not only guarantee data interoperability but also optimal use of learning analytics.
The games developed in co-construction with cultural institutions will offer two entries: the possibility of playing in visitor mode, which allows data exchanges with the institution concerned in order to collect valuable information on its public to manage its cultural policies. Or in guest mode, so that a student or pupil can connect to their establishment's server and thus benefit from educational services that can be configured by the teacher within the training courses.
Technologies developed in higher education made available to culture institutions.
The pooling of content contributions (updates, enrichments, contributions, new features) between cultural institutions and education is only possible through the bringing together of public digital education operators who make up the Ikigai consortium and thanks to the infrastructures already developed by Ikigai within the framework of higher education and made available to cultural stakeholders.
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