Narrative adventure - Free
Thwart fake news and the lies of your adversaries to prevent the conspiracy that threatens Néo-Sorbonne!
Over the course of ten hours of play, in each chapter you will have to search for information by bouncing from one keyword to another, then confront the lies of your opponents by pointing out the inconsistencies in their sources of information .
You can only rely on the e-Lux and your foresight. Dive into the heart of deception to restore justice!

4.1 Notes
“A great success which has the luxury of informing us on subjects not always known to the general public.”
Ruvon, Dystopeek.fr
“What a nice surprise to discover Hellink, an educational game whose technique, content, form and universe are finely accomplished.”
Malitu, Steam.com
“Very good introduction to critical thinking and fallacious arguments.
The game also presents the issues and controversies of science in a very readable way.”
Alekshar, Steam.com

Hellink is a text adventure game in a humoristic and cyberpunk setting.
You play as Elixène Seyrig, a cybercrime expert, called to solve an unprecedented hack that is shaking the Néo-Sorbonne University. You can only rely on the e-Lux and your foresight. Dive into the heart of deception to restore justice!