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Ikigai wins AMI CMA France 2030 with SN@SU project

Photo du rédacteur: IkigaiIkigai

The Santé Numérique @ Sorbonne Université (SN@SU) project was set up in response to the AMI CMA launched as part of France 2030. It proposes to integrate digital health into the heart of university teaching, involving a wide range of professions: doctors, midwives, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, orthoptists and psychomotricians. A consortium of 17 partners has been set up, offering both initial and continuing training.

The SN@SU project has been awarded a €4M grant by the French National Research Agency (ANR).

The project concerns healthcare training, and involves IT engineers, legal experts and school heads.

It has two main focuses:

  1. Health training (IFSI, physiotherapy, medicine, paramedical studies, midwifery)Un axe sciences avec une licence et deux masters en santé publique.

  2. The health innovation minor is managed by Alexandre Escargueil and aims to understand today's health and optimize tomorrow's health. The master's degree in public health is part of the project, with its specializations in Statistics, Modeling and Data Science in Health (SMSDS) and Biomedical Informatics (INFOMED).

Partners such as the Société d'accélération du transfert de technologies will provide the financial back-up. Training establishments such as the Compiègne University of Technology (UTC) and the School of Technological Innovation (ESIEE) are cooperating in the project. The FEIMA federation of software and digital services publishers and SESAN, the GRADeS Ile-de-France, which provides digital eHealth solutions to all players in the Ile-de-France region in all areas of cooperation, are also collaborating. Heath Data Hub (HDH) contributes its expertise in healthcare data, and IKIGAI - Games for citizens joins the project for its skills in serious games construction. The funding obtained will be used to pay the trainers, implement the teaching content and pay for communication activities. Innovative pedagogies such as e-learning, animations and serious games will be developed with SESAN and faculty resources such as the digital pedagogical service. The project aims to offer a small-scale Proof Of Concept (POC) to demonstrate the relevance of metavers in digital health teaching. The various learning capsules will be stored on a shared platform, enabling teachers to create à la carte teaching paths. Digital accessibility will be a key concern for content producers, and the eco-design of digital resources will underpin all developments to limit their environmental impact.

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